How To Use Two Themes In PowerPoint and Google Slides

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Short Tutorial For Applying Two Themes in PowerPoint

Give your presentation a harmonious look! Themes are excellent features in PowerPoint to attract your audience to a maximum level. Every presentation has an underlying pre-designed theme as a default. If you want to use more than one theme for your show, then watch out for the steps given simply.

Steps To Use Two Themes In PowerPoint Presentation

Step 1: Create a blank slide presentation
Step 2: Select the Design option on the Menu Bar above
Step 3: Click Themes and select your choice from the wide range of options.
Step 4: Right-click on the themes and apply them to the selected slides.
Step 5: Now, you can repeat the same process and select another theme for the next bunch of slides.
Step 6: Now, you can press F5 to see the slide preview with your attractive themes.

Give a relaxed look for your slides using the available themes or even by downloading online for more themes. Each theme pre-built in Microsoft PowerPoint has immense designs with unique fonts, colors, styles, and professional outlooks. Using themes can easily magnetize people toward your slideshow.

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